Market Research Myanmar

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A Burmese man and a display of market research and consumer insights and statistics.

A Better Way to Consumer Insights In Myanmar

Myanmar offers many opportunities with its cultural nuances and geographically dispersed regions. However, as a complex and emerging market, it often lacks reliable and up-to-date information. Existing market research solutions are either prohibitively expensive or offer data quality and coverage.

Chez Standard Insights, nous sommes spécialisés dans la fourniture de services d'étude de marché fiables pour aider les marques et les organisations à prendre des décisions éclairées sur leur avenir.

With our unique approach, we revamped essential market research services, prioritizing data quality and transparency. This ensures our clients can access the highest quality insights to inform their decision-making in Myanmar and beyond.

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Understand the market landscape of Myanmar

Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a country located in the western portion of mainland Southeast Asia. It shares borders with Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, and Thailand. The country has a diverse geography that includes plains, mountains, and coastal areas. Myanmar has a total area of approximately 676,578 square kilometers, making it the 40th largest country in the world.




53.8 Million

GDP 2021

$65.09 billion

Aperçu du Marché

Myanmar at a Glance

Myanmar’s economy is facing significant challenges, including volatility, uncertainty, and disruptions to business operations. Conflict, electricity outages, trade and foreign exchange restrictions, shortages of key inputs, and changing rules and regulations have all contributed to the difficulties.

Despite signs of resilience in some businesses, domestic demand remains weak. The World Bank predicts a modest 3% growth in the year ending September 2023, resulting in per capita GDP being around 13 percent lower than in 2019, reflecting the persistent impacts of recent shocks on both supply and demand. Unlike other countries in the East Asia and Pacific region, Myanmar has not been able to return to pre-pandemic levels of economic activity, and the outlook beyond 2023 remains uncertain with slow growth anticipated.

Myanmar’s foreign trade in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2020-2021 exceeded US$7.6 billion, with exports totalling over US$3.68 billion and imports valued at over US$3.92 billion from October 2020 to January 2021. The majority of Myanmar’s trade is conducted through sea routes, and its major trading partners include China, Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. Agricultural products, animal products, marine products, minerals, forest products, manufacturing goods, and others are the main exports, while capital goods, intermediate goods, and consumer goods are the main imports.


Myanmar’s tourism industry saw significant growth in 2019, with approximately 4.4 million tourists visiting the country, marking a 23% increase compared to 2018. China, South Korea, and Japan were among the top countries showing significant growth in tourist arrivals. Myanmar’s popular destinations such as Bagan, Inle Lake, Yangon, Kalaw, Mandalay, and Ngapali Beach continue to attract visitors with their rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and unique experiences. Know more about the emerging trends of Tourism in the Myanmar


As of January 2022, Myanmar had a total of 25.28 million internet users, representing a 7.1% increase of 1.7 million users from the previous year. This brought the country’s internet penetration rate to 45.9% of the total population, indicating significant growth in internet usage. Despite challenges and restrictions, Myanmar has seen a notable rise in internet adoption, highlighting the increasing importance of digital connectivity in the country’s evolving technological landscape.

In 2022, over 37.7 percent of Myanmar’s population was engaged or active on social media. This was a considerable decrease from the previous year, when 53.1 percent of Myanmar’s population was active social media users. Myanmar had 15.00 million social media users in January 2023, accounting for 27.6 percent of the entire population. Uncover more insights into Social Media in Myanmar


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