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Electric Vehicles in Indonesia

Discover insights from our survey of 580 respondents in Indonesia, revealing Indonesian car owners’ opinions and perspectives on the electric vehicle (EV) industry in the country.

Electric Vehicles in Indonesia
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Discover EV Trends in Indonesia

The adoption of electric vehicles is gaining traction, and it’s interesting to observe how trends in this sector are evolving among the Indonesian population.

To understand the EV landscape further, Standard Insights carried out a research survey through an online study on the automotive and electric vehicle industry in Indonesia in November 2023.

The goals were to understand people’s current views and understanding of electric vehicles (EVs), categorize the audience by their experiences and attitudes toward EVs, and identify potential market opportunities and obstacles to EV adoption in Indonesia.

What's inside? Electric Vehicles in Indonesia

What's inside?

This report provides valuable insights into the awareness, usage, and perceptions surrounding electric vehicles in Indonesia, derived from the input of local Indonesian car owners who shared their experiences and opinions in our survey.

  • Demographics and Vehicle Preferences
  • Brand Awareness and Consideration
  • Perceptions of Electric Vehicle Brands
  • Perceptions in EV Ownership
  • Purchase Considerations
  • Motivations and Influences

About the Methodology

Our report on the automotive and electric vehicle industry in Indonesia presents the findings of a survey conducted in Indonesia in November 2023, which gathered the opinions of 580 participants aged 18+ years.

We employed a robust online survey methodology that did not rely on respondent panels or monetary incentives, ensuring that the data collected was of high quality. – En savoir plus

Methodology: Electric Vehicles in Indonesia


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Standard Insights helps organizations access better and faster consumer insights so they can make informed decisions about their products and brands. Instead of relying on consumer panels, we use an innovative methodology for market research that caters to the dynamic needs of decision-makers.

By combining artificial intelligence and cutting-edge advertising technology, we can reach authentic respondents who align with your target audience. Standard Insights has a proven track record of delivering market research services in Indonesia, Asia, and all around the globe.

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